Hato Bus Stories
Tokyo, Feb 2, 2020
Today’s tour truly warmed up my heart. My tour guests were very handsome couple from Mexico ( let’s call them Alex and Maria). They were newlyweds, arrived Japan just last night after the wedding ceremony only three days ago in Mexico City. They were commemorating the very first day of their one-whole month romantic journey in all over Asia, starting with Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand and the most romantic island - Bali in Indonesia. On top of that, it was Alex’s birthday today!!
So, I introduced them to the Japanese way of celebrating the Valentine’s Day. I told them that it was the very special day for girls to give boys chocolates, while boys would accept them if he liked her. ( he sometimes would say “no, thank you” if he doesn’t like her!!!). Alex and Maria were soooo excited!
Our tour turned out to be a chocolate hunting tour. Maria bought a Tower chocolate at Tokyo Tower, a beautifully designed chrysanthemum chocolate at Imperial Palace souvenir shop and Kaminari Okoshi Chocolate Crunch at Sensoji Temple. Each time she gave a sweet present, she confessed her love to him, and she was accepted. (Phew!)
At the end of the tour, I told Alex, “According to the Japanese custom, you will have to give her back as 10 times as good-present on March 14, the White Day.” Alex exclaimed, “Oh, no!” while Maria jumped for joy, shouting, “Oh! I love Japan!!”
It was surely a fun day!! Thanks to them, I learned how important it was to express love in word and in action to each other.
Come to Japan, and you can also find a special chocolate of your own to show your love and affection to your beloved one!
도쿄관광의 대명사
도쿄, 2020 년 2 월
도쿄하면 떠오르는 유명한 관광지라면 보통 어디를 떠올리시나요?
아마도 도쿄타워나 아사쿠사 등을 많이 생각하실 것 같습니다.
도쿄여행 가이드북에 꼭 들어있는 도쿄여행의 대명사인 곳이죠.
도쿄타워는 도쿄를 대표하는 랜드마크로 일본영화나 애니메이션에서 보신 분들이 많으실 겁니다. 아사쿠사는 도쿄에서 제일 오래된 절인 센소지라는 절이 있으며 일본의 서민동네 분위기를 느낄 수 있는 곳으로 유명해 관광객들이 많이 들리는 곳입니다.
저희 하토버스투어를 이용하시면 버스로 편하게 이동하시면서 도쿄타워와 아사쿠사뿐만 아니라 다른 도쿄의 유명한 관광지도 함께 둘러보실 수 있습니다. 일일투어와 오전 혹은 오후투어가 마련되어 있으므로 편하신 시간대에 이용하시면 됩니다.
가이드는 영어로 진행됩니다만, 간단한 한국어 안내를 들으실 수 있는 투어도 있습니다.
저희 하토버스와 즐거운 도쿄관광 보내시길 바랍니다.